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Why are we going to Italy?

You may remember that last fall (in 2023), we served with two really great work teams in France, building a church and multipurpose facility.  

The finished space that we worked on last fall.
Vince Russo was one of the members of this work team.

Vince and his family serve the Lord in Italy.  Here’s a snippet of their bio:

Manuela and Vince Russo, both originally from Italy, moved to the UK between 2008 and 2010, where they lived for nearly 15 years. Manuela holds a master’s degree in Foreign Languages and Literature, while Vince has a master’s degree in Computer Science and is completing his MA in Biblical Exegesis and Hermeneutics. During their time in the UK, they found their Christian faith, and felt called to return to Italy to serve God. This calling was fulfilled when they moved to Tuscany, where they now live with their three children, Cristina (9), Salvo (7), and Emma (3). 

After overcoming some initial challenges, God opened several doors for their ministry, which focuses on the edification of the body of Christ through the exaltation of the unadulterated grace of God in Christ Jesus. Their ministry is summarized by the acrostic TELL: Teach, Exalt, Love, and Live (out). Their work includes translating books into Italian, writing original content in Italian, preaching and teaching both in their local congregation and other churches, and live out Christ’s teachings through practical love in their daily lives.

They plan to make their home central to their ministry, creating a place where one can fellowship, learn, and come to rest.

The Russo family home

We excited to help their family realize their dream of having their home be a place where others can join them for fellowship, learning and rest by assisting in their renovation projects.

Specifically, we’re hoping to refinish their bathrooms and finish their outbuilding (a brick shed) into use as a guest room.  We’re only taking a small group  – our own immediate family.  And we’re only going for a small period of time (a week).  So please pray that our work is efficient!

Moreover, please pray that God blesses their ministry as they serve His people in Italy.  You can view their work (in English and Italian) at  

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