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Summertime is vacation season, and we know a lot of you are traveling and keeping a different schedule through this season.  We are too, and wanted to share a few of the things we’re up to.

Since Memorial Day, most of our family has been up at Glad Tidings Bible Camp serving in a variety of ways.  All the kids and Chester were there for Staff Training, Moriah helped with a Vacation Bible School near camp, Isaiah and Micah got seasonal employment for a few weeks with a farmer, Chester cooked for most of the camping season, All the kids have taken turns as staff and cabin leaders during various camps, done maintenance and mowing, and have been helping out anywhere they were needed.

The camping season is close to wrapping up – one and a half more weeks as staff, and then possibly another week of work and a final camp for Micah, then we’ll be together as a family again in August!

While Chester and the kids have been deployed, I (Amy) have been specifically pursuing ministry and work here at home too.  God has allowed me several friendships that are focused on God and His word, and I’ve spent the summer cultivating them.  I’ve also had a week here and there with kids that are home – most notably two weeks in a row where Josiah and I spent the week together in Ashland, just the two of us.   They were quite special – we went on mom/son dates (to look at camper trailers), and he helped out several locals with yard work and various cleanup tasks.  Our kind neighbors took him fishing and swimming, and he had a couple of all-day play dates with cousins and friends too!

In the midst of this, Chester and I are preparing to teach Vacation Bible School (in two weeks, yikes!) at our church – Grace Bible Church.  The lessons are over the life of Paul with the overarching theme of “God is Faithful”  We’re excited to serve this way too!

Overall, this summer feels like most summers do for us – a big whirlwind.  It’s spiritually intense, and oh so fun!  We very much appreciate your prayers for our stamina and strength as the camping season wraps up, as we prepare and teach lessons and as we start to plan the next few months.

Thank you so much for praying and partnering with us!

Josiah cleaning up brush at a neighbor’s house
Chester and I are keeping our weekly date tradition by each driving half-way and meeting between home and camp for a date.

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