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Stories of God’s Awesome deeds

A week ago, our family had the opportunity to serve for a long weekend at Glad Tidings Bible Camp.  They are celebrating their 65th anniversary as a camp this year, and the theme for the summer is 65! Stories of God’s Awesome Deeds.   We had a great time serving, and were reminded that time spent considering and remembering God’s Awesome Deeds is time well spent.

The kids stuffed 832 envelopes for a camp mailing!
Chester built an addition to the new kitchen for a serving line, then assembled and installed a fire-rated roll-down door to close the opening.
Moriah painted a display board for the camp theme

An update on the cars:  We asked you to pray for us to trust God and act with wisdom.  We decided to replace both our non-functional family/ministry vehicles with one that we hope will serve us for at least a few years, and are currently car shopping!

This weekend at camp reminded us to recognize God’s perfect timing in our current situation.  Just before our Pathfinder’s transmission problems became serious, we had bought a second Prius.  This means that we can still go anywhere we want as a family – we just need two drivers.  And we have four drivers (with a fifth one in training – when did we get this old?), so having a second driver isn’t difficult! 

We have found the two-driver scenario quite workable, and were even able to go out to Glad Tidings Bible camp to serve with the two Priuses (what’s the plural of Prius anyway?).  Still, we’re car shopping so that further-away projects as a family are possible in one car, and because we often need to haul tools to a project.   Pulling a loaded trailer is just a bit much for a Prius.

Thank you for your prayers and for taking the time to encourage us!  

We’d love to hear some of God’s awesome deeds, small or big, from your life – please share!

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