We have started the missions class that God provided for through you all! It’s a fifteen week course, and we are nearly 1/4 of the way through. We’ve wanted to take the class for years, but were daunted by the prospect of having to do homework (with a textbook of about 800 pages, it promised lots of reading) in addition to keeping on top of normal life in our household. And we were right – it’s a lot of homework. So far, God has graciously given us pockets of time, and we have not yet fallen behind. We are grateful that they offer the book in an electronic edition. It’s particularly helpful to Chester to have his Kindle read the book to him at lightning speed while he runs the kids to and from various activities.
We’ve made two trips up to Glad Tidings Bible camp recently. The first was a week was a few days of vehicle repair to a Durango who had the brakes go out and rammed in to a cabin (eventually, there will probably be a project to repair the cabin…), and the second was a quick day trip for a camp board meeting with a side of cabin inspection (above), and getting various vehicles stuck and un-stuck in the mud (not pictured). We’re grateful for the mission of this camp, and for the opportunity to serve with them.
God has begun to provide for the trip that Micah, Eva and Moriah would like to take to Tecate, Mexico with Sabre missions to build houses (more info here). One generous donor has offered to match donations up to $500 for this trip. If you’d like your donation to be doubled, make a check out to Sabre missions, and either get it to us (we’ll send in a pile all at once) or send it to them with a note (not a memo on the check!) that it’s for the Davis kids’ matching fund. We are excited about this generous offer, and always love watching God provide for His work! Thank you for being used by God!
Several hours in the past month were spent writing an annual report to our mission of how things are going for us as new missionaries. In order to be transparent with you, our support network, we have posted the report here. Please enjoy this detailed look into our thoughts about our activities of the past year.