During the week of memorial day, we made our first visit in quite some time up to Glad Tidings Bible Camp. It was to be a week of working on maintenance projects, and we invited you to join in the fun.
To our delight several of you did join! Thank you so much!
During the week, several families came to help out for some or all of the time. Together we cleaned up around camp, finished cleaning and re-assembled the new-to-camp range, and cleaned and converted the new-to-camp double oven. We chopped a big hole in the side of the dining hall (to move the oven in!), and installed double doors. We wired the camp with ethernet and fiber optic cable in preparation for internet, and we painted the dining hall wall.
We bonded over the mishaps of the week (flooding the dining hall twice, a trip to the ER, and neither the door installation nor the concrete work going quite as planned), and over board games and a bonfire, we enjoyed the fellowship of working together toward a common goal.
Together, it was a great time serving the camp, and we’re grateful for the opportunity, and especially for those who came out and made the week extra special with their presence.