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Reflections on Mexico

There’s a parable in the Bible of ladies waiting for a bridal party.  Some were well prepared with extra oil for their lamps, and others had their oil run out, and missed out.

I am known as one of the second type – I avoid packing until the very last minute, and as a result usually forget socks or some other essential.

I’m pleased to say that this particular trip to Mexico, I did not wait until the last minute to pack, and I didn’t forget  anything important. 

Isaiah managed to travel with only one closed-toe shoe and had to get others in Mexico to work on the jobsite.

Through out the whole trip (the first since 2019!) we saw God’s hand of protection and provision.  There were no catastrophes, no broken foundations or stolen building materials, not even flat tires or otherwise broken-down vehicles on the way.  No one caught whatever sicknesses could have gone around.  We couldn’t have asked for a smoother trip.  Thank you for your prayers and Thank you Lord!

Here’s a few pictures:

We joined up with Sabre Missions from Colorado Springs, which has been heading to Tecate Mexico for more than 20 years as a youth missions trip, building small houses, conducting VBS type outreach and providing training or useful help to people in seriously difficult situations. The big picture is to partner with local Churches to “do good to all, especially the household of believers”. (Gal 6:10)
The Mexican government now requires longer school days to catch up and so the afternoon VBS that we’ve done in the past was not a possibility. 
Covid restrictions are also still significantly limiting human interaction. However, in the midst of building we were able to enjoy some great conversations with a couple of pastors and others.
“Tecate” means rocky.  It aptly describes both the terrain of the city, and life within it – with unsafe water, limited utilities and very low wages.
As I reflect on the Tecate Mexico missions trip, I hope we are building not with wood studs and plywood but with valuable materials that last. (1 Cor. 3:12-15)
We believers can build toward a victorious welcome in eternity by investing in a growing relationship with God (1 John 2:28), increasing in discipleship (2 Pet 1:5-11), and generousity in doing good for others. (1 Timothy 6:18-19).