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Missions Trip to Mexico

The Sabre Missions Tecate Team from 2019.  Look for Micah, Eva and Moriah.

Dear Friends and Family –

As many of you know, some portion of our family has gone to Tecate, Mexico for the past several years.  Each year, we join Sabre missions from Colorado Springs who coordinates with a few churches in Tecate.  We drive from Colorado to Tecate (which is just across the Mexican border from San Diego), and build houses for families in need, who are chosen by the local churches.  Additionally, we conduct a three-day Vacation Bible School for neighborhood kids.  We act out the lessons (since we don’t speak much Spanish), and have a great time playing with the kids – some years there are up to fifty kids who attend!

This year the trip is from March 20-30, and our whole family has the opportunity to go together, and rebuild houses that were burned in wildfires last fall.  Two of the houses burned were built in previous years by groups with Sabre missions, and we hope to rebuild an additional two houses for families in the same neighborhood.  Would you please consider supporting us in one or more of the following ways?

  • We are trusting God to raise $4,350 to pay for our family’s food, lodging, travel expenses and a portion of the building materials for the houses.  
  • Please pray regularly for us, especially while on the trip.  We’ll provide a prayer calendar, but especially want prayer for health, transportation, finances and a Godly witness everywhere we go.
  • If you would like to contribute directly to these families, we are collecting donations of personal hygiene products, small toys and games, school supplies and household items (towels, washcloths, wash tubs, clothespins, small sewing kits) to give them at the dedication of their new home
The wildfire
A house built by a Sabre missions team in 2017
The house after the fire
A house build by the Sabre missions team in 1999
After the fire

Donations for this trip should be made to Sabre Missions.  Checks can be made out to Sabre Missions, and given to a Davis family member or mailed to: 

Sabre Missions
P. O. Box 9354
Colorado Springs, CO 80932-0354

Or you can donate online on their website.

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