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January recap

Life has been a whirlwind for a while now – we hit the ground running when we returned from France, and honestly haven’t caught our breath yet.

In January, we logged 212 hours of time that we volunteered serving other ministries and individuals. This time included actual labor, project management, a hefty dose of administration (because of the year-end tasks that come with running a non-profit), and a pretty decent amount of time connecting with individuals and small groups for connection and encouragement. We served twelve ministries and individuals and had the opportunity to travel a little and host a lot. We are truly blessed to have such varied opportunities to serve!

Visiting Amy’s 96 year old Grandma in Michigan, teaching Sunday School at Grace Bible Church, assembling letters to mail for another missionary family and hosting a Graham Cracker house building party are among the fun in the past few weeks.

We have lots of exciting opportunities on the horizon – you’ll be hearing from us soon on how to join us on a trip, serve with us locally and ways to partner in our adventures.

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