A job Complete
Thank you for praying. The houses are completed, dedicated to God and given to their new owners. 48 kids came to VBS, and 22 of those responded to a gospel invitation!
Today they have already begun the long drive home. The adults (especially the drivers) are VERY TIRED after a week of long hard work and unusually little sleep. There isn’t enough drivers for each of the main drivers to have a break, so please pray especially for the drivers to be able to stay alert and for safety on the road.
The team woke up at 3:30am today, hopes to cross the border soon after 6am, and plans to sleep in Gallup, New Mexico tonight. Colorado Springs is their Easter Sunday destination, and Omaha the Monday evening destination. We here in Omaha can’t wait for them to be home!
It’s easy to think that the trip is over once the job in Mexico is done, but the reality is these three days driving home are among the most difficult of the trip – everyone is exhausted, tempers are short, and they are still under attack. Thank you for also praying for them during the travel home!