For the past few weeks, we’ve been at home. Yet even when we are home, we keep busy with plenty of smaller projects for and with local ministries. One of our more time-consuming projects as we approach the end of the year is evaluating and summarizing the past year’s ministry. We view this process as very important in sharing what God has done, in accountability, and also in shaping the upcoming year.
Most of you probably got physical mail from us this past week. If you didn’t, then we either don’t have your address, or don’t have your permission to mail you. Correct that by emailing us now! (Our physical mailings are often different than these emails, and less frequent.)
This year, we found it helpful to make an info-graphic of our 2019 activity, and in the process of making it, were wowed again at some of the things God has done.
In the winter-spring, we took a course called “Perspectives on the World Christian movement”. This was something we had been wanting to do for years, and was also required by our mission organization (GlabalGrace Fellowship). God provided both the funding and the large block of time needed for study and reflection. God used the course to help clarify our vision and goals in ministry. Thank you God!
In the summer, we spent a lot of family time volunteering with Glad Tidings Bible Camp (in Northeast Nebraska), and working at the bath house at Haven on the Rock (in Wyoming). This resulted in a lot of driving – almost 40,000 miles in one year. God kept us safe on the road with only one fender bender and only a few minor breakdowns. Thank you God!
One area that we are seeing God’s hand is in finding equipment and materials for different ministries. In the fall, God provided materials for the bath house project, and for a new kitchen upgrade project at Glad Tidings Bible Camp at huge discounts through auctions and providential donations. Again, Thank you God!. It’s so fun to see God’s hand involved in these projects!
In the physical letter we just sent out, we mention that our ministry vehicle needs to be replaced. Today we received notice that six individuals had sent special financial gifts in the past month for our ministry – without even knowing about our need. God started sending money to meet this need before we even asked for it! Again, Thank you God, and thank you friends, for your generosity!
If you’d like to join with God in providing for this need, just click the button below to donate.
As we come into the Christmas season let us not lose sight of the greatest gift. We are thankful to God for His provision of a redeemer. We are thankful for Jesus, the life giving messiah. We are thankful for the free gift of Eternal Life received simply through faith in Jesus the Christ. And we are thankful for God’s generous hand in helping believers walk in newness of life.
May God bless your Christmas season with many reminders of His love for you.
Merry Christmas!