In Transit
Three Praises:
- Chester made it to France safely!
- Little inconveniences are working out okay (Electricity is back on in his apartment after 24 hours out, and our bank cards are working there after being denied at first).
- Building materials are ordered and expected to be delivered Friday.
Three prayer requests:
- Amy is feeling a bit like the number of tasks between now and being ready to leave keeps growing instead of diminishing.
- We’ve already had several surprise expenses, and there’s likely to be more. Please pray that we rest easily in knowing that the expenses don’t surprise God, and He provides.
- Pray for us to keep our eyes on the Lord at all times. Our team verse is Psalm 16:8 (below). It feels just right for right now – we could easily be shaken, but God is the one who goes before us, and who is always with us.