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Hope Anew Ministry

We are glad for the opportunity to introduce you to some other missionaries with our agency (GlobalGrace Fellowship).  Francis and Kim Kamau are missionaries in Nairobi, Kenya, serving impoverished children through Bible clubs and after-school activities.  Their ministry, called Hope Anew, shares the hope that comes through God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

The Kamaus have a dream of extending their ministry to a camp outside Nairobi for kids to get out of the slum, see the beauty of God’s creation, and be introduced to Jesus and discipled in a focused environment.  Nine acres of undeveloped land have been donated to this project, and God has provided a 1200 ft. well and pump on the land.  This campground has been named Nasaru – a place of refuge.

Francis (everyone calls him “Kamau”) and Kim have asked us to prayerfully consider joining the ministry of the camp by developing a masterplan. Working with other industry professionals and the Kamaus we hope to develop clear plans for infrastructure such as electrical, water and waste systems, camp layout, building design, agricultural and animal management, security details, and whatever other things needed to help realize their vision without making costly mistakes in building location, inadequate structures or utilities.  

Clearly this is a project bigger than just our family but God had already laid it on the heart of an architect to help and we have been talking with other professionals as well. We are moving ahead taking each step as God provides.

Based on God’s provision and initial leading, we are tentatively developing plans to send Chester and Rich Burton (the architect) for a survey trip in early December. This survey trip will allow us to meet the Kamaus in person, visit the campground, and visit possible sources for materials and construction equipment. A good survey starts with understanding the goals of the projects, the materials and methods which are commonly available and even the unexpected weather conditions which need to be taken into consideration. The survey data guides initial brainstorming but becomes essential reference material for the masterplan in determining which solutions fit best for the costs, the manpower, and the materials available. 

Would you prayerfully consider partnering in this endeavor?

Here’s a few ideas of ways to get involved:

  • join the research team to help find solutions or resources 
  • give toward the cost of the trip (we expect costs to be ~$3000 total for Chester and Rich to go)
  • join our prayer team (we’ll send out a daily prayer requests near and during the trip)
  • help support the families staying home (provide a meal or a babysitter, or drive kids to school). We very much believe that the whole family is part of the team so we want to make sure that they are supported as well. 

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